Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cake Mix for 4.5 Cents Per Box!

Another post from me today, and again it's not a recipe...but I just have to tell you about this.
If you don't use coupons, think about starting.

Often, it comes out to free groceries! Not the total bill, but I get free items.
The key to the big savings is matching up your coupons to the deep discount deals at the grocery store. You know the specials they advertise? They are called "Loss Leaders" that are a loss, but it brings you into the store and you spend more money.

Today I went to the grocery store and they had Pillsbury Cake Mixes on a Buy One Get One special. That meant two boxes would be only $1.49. Already that's not bad. I used my two coupons for .35 cents off...the two coupons are doubled to .70 at that store.
.70 cents times two is $1.40. So, I paid 9 cents (4.5 cents each box) for those cake mixes. I don't need cake mix right now, but for less than five cents a box, I think I can pony up that kind of money and go ahead and stock up! On a recent visit, I also received a package of Pillsbury Toaster Strudel totally free after the discount from the store and my coupon doubling.

An easy way to be able to match your coupons to the specials is to check out the deals on sites like . This site is free. Look for Deals by State (you will need to register first) and then look for the stores you shop in. I print out the deals and then use that list to try to match my coupons to the deals.

There is another site called the Grocery Game - it is not free but it's very affordable. I found that Coupon Mom gave me all I needed, so I canceled my Grocery Game subscription. If you really want to join in Forum discussions etc about coupons, then you might like Grocery Game for the friendships.

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