Friday, February 24, 2012

Reynold's Non Stick Aluminum Foil

Have you tried Reynold's Non Stick Aluminum Foil yet? When I first saw it advertised, I thought, "This is ridiculous -- just how lazy are people going to get? I mean, come this a REAL issue?" I actually shook my head -- the stuff was too expensive, and does it really take that long to put a little oil on aluminum foil yourself to make it "non-stick?!?"

But a little while ago, I finally tried it. It was on a good sale at the grocery store (BOGO!) and I had a coupon that doubled, which made the stuff practically free.

I think I used it for Brownies the first time. Oh-Em-Gee! The stuff is fantastic. I reserve it just for the things I cook that need a non-stick surface, because to use it for everything WOULD be way too expensive, but for the things that DO stick, I think the food that it prevents from being wasted (ie bits of food that will stick to regular aluminum foil that you won't bother to scrape up and eat) pays for it. Less frustration when time to clean the dish as well.

So if you've been wondering about whether to get it or not, I vote yes. Just be very sparing in the use of it so you don't waste it.

Now about those Reynold's slow cooker liners -- I'm just not ready to take that step yet.

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