I wasn't really sure I would use it that much. It needed new gaskets, which I was able to order very inexpensively online. Then I started using it.
Oh.My.Gosh. I love this thing.
I tend to let leftovers sit out until I have to throw them away (this is after mentally chastising myself for being wasteful.) But with the Foodsaver, I fix up a bag and put the leftovers in it, seal it, then label it with what it is and the date. Easy to reheat and I can't forget something in the fridge anymore.
To reheat, I can cut off a corner of the bag and microwave, or on the stove top, the bags can be submerged in boiling water on the stove top. Pretty easy. So far I've bagged cheese tortellini and sauce, chicken fried rice & cooked white rice leftovers.
I also bought ground beef in bulk from Sam's Club and divided it into 1 lb portions, sealed them, labeled them right on the bag and then put in the freezer. Whenever I need ground beef now, all I have to do is take one out and use the defrost setting on my microwave.
It's also served as a time saver. Whenever I'm preparing something, just say chopping celery or onions for a recipe, I go ahead and chop a little bit more (enough for another meal/serving's need) and I seal it up and refrigerate it.
The vacuum sealing removes the air which degrades food quickly. The food I've frozen is "freezer burn" free. Foods keep up to FIVE TIMES longer.
I do realize I got my machine free, so it's easy for me to praise it. However, you can get these machines for about $80 and up, depending on the model. I like this one because it's a set that includes bags and is $129.99 as of this writing. A more expensive one is near $300. The more meaningful long term expense is probably really in the bags. I bought a large box of an assortment of bags for $40 from Sam's Club. You can buy a single roll at a time at other stores if you don't want to put so much into it, but we have a large family and I reasoned that going ahead and buying the set was probably my best deal.
Just in the leftover savings, I feel I will come out well ahead of the cost of the supplies.
I can imagine that a single person could really save a lot of money with this, since many recipes are for 4 servings, you can fix a recipe and eat your portion and divide the leftovers into 3 more portions that you can freeze and take for work lunch or something easy and healthy to heat up when you get home from work and are tired. Sure beats having to eat out all the time.
Another cool thing I found it does is that I can use it to reseal potato chip bags! That's right, I can seal the package right back like I bought it from the store. Sure beats a chip clip.
Want to see more about FoodSaver vacuum sealers? I made a Squidoo page about it and you can see it here.
Check out some of the Foodsavers at JardenStore - (Jarden is the manufacturer of the FoodSavers and Seal A Meal machine as well as Crock Pots, so they're a trustworthy online seller. I bought my gaskets directly from them and I would definitely order from them again.)
If you decide to order anything from my links, I make a bit of commission, so thanks in advance!
FoodSaver GameSaver Sport Plus
FoodSaver V2450 Vacuum Sealer Kit
FoodSaver V3860 Vacuum Sealer
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